Bu Haber 21.03.2014 Tarihinde Eklenmiştir.
< Geri Dön

29-30 Nisan tarihlerinde Hollanda'dan; Otomotiv, Metal&Makina, Plastik&Lastik, Tekerlek, Kimya, Elektronik, İnşaat&İnşaat Malzemeleri, Enerji, Çevre, Enformasyon&İletişim Teknolojileri Sektör Temsilcilerinden oluşan bir heyet Hollanda Başkonsolosu Sn. Robert Schuddeboom başkanlığında Kocaeli'ni ziyaret edecektir.

Program ve katılım detayları ekte sunulmuştur.

İlgilenen Üyelerimizin katılımlarında yarar görmekteyiz.


Regional Trade Mission to Kocaeli

Headed by Mr. Robert Schuddeboom,

Consul General of the Netherlands in Istanbul, 

& Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA)

29 and 30 April 2014

Program and Logistics

29 April 2014, Tuesday

07:30  Departure from Istanbul to Kocaeli 

10:00 Visit to Kocaeli Governorship

 Mr. Ercan Topaca, Governor of Kocaeli 

 with the attendance of the East Marmara Regional Development Agency (MARKA) and the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) 


11:15 Visit to Kocaeli Chamber of Commerce (KCoC)

 Mr. Murat Özdağ, Kocaeli Chamber of Commerce Chairman 

 Mr. Oktay Baltali, Kocaeli Chamber of Commerce Secretary General 


12.30 Lunch meeting at the Kocaeli Chamber of Industry (KCI) with KCI Chairman Mr. Ayhan Zeytinoğlu and ABİGEM (EU –Turkey Business Development Center) General Manager & KCI Secretary General Mr. Mehmet Turabi 

 14.00 Introductory speeches by the Chairman of Kocaeli Chamber of Industry and the Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

14.30 Presentation by the Kocaeli Chamber of Industry (KCI)

15.00 Parallel 2 sessions at the Kocaeli Chamber of Industry (KCI) 

 15.00-18.30: B2B Matchmaking meetings at the Kocaeli Chamber of Industry (KCI) organized by KCI & ABIGEM (EU – Turkey Business Development Center)

 15.00-18.30: Seminar/round table discussions for Turkish companies about ‘Investment opportunities the Netherlands offers and starting up in the Netherlands’ organized by the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA)

18.30  Network Cocktail at Kocaeli Chamber of Industry (KCI) 

20:30  Departure to WES Hotel and Check-in 

 30 April 2014, Wednesday

09:30  Check-out and departure from WES Hotel 

 10:00 Visit to Kocaeli Municipality (t.b.c.)

 Meeting with Mayor of Kocaeli

 11:00 Departure to Gebze Organized Industry Zone (GOSB) 

 11:45 Visit to GOSB (Gebze Organized Industry Zone)

Mr. Adil Kanıöz, GOSB Chairman of Board of Directors 

 13:00 Lunch served at GOSB facility 

 13:30  Visit to GOSB Teknopark 

 Mr. Emre Aksen, GOSB Teknopark General Manager 

 15:00 Departure from Teknopark to Istanbul 

  Registration to the mission:

 Interested companies and individuals can obtain further information on the mission and register via e-mail: ist-ha@minbuza.nl and tel.+90 212 393 21 04 (Commercial Department, Mrs. Aafje Chr. Akdamar-Westeneng). Deadline for registration to the mission: 14 April, 2014.


 If you are interested to participate in the matchmaking meetings, please be so kind as to fill out the attached intake form and send it to ist-ha@minbuza.nl no later than 28 March 2014.


 Te participating companies will be responsible for their own accommodation. The Consulate General made a special arrangement for the trade mission at WES Hotel Izmit ( www.weshotel.com ). When making reservations there, mention you’re joining the mission of the Consulate General of the Netherlands. Please note that reservations and payment will be done by the participants.

 Single Room Rate: 145.80 TL  

Double Room Rate: 195.00 TL

 WES Hotel Contact Information: 

Mrs. Güliz Yavuz, Sales Manager 

R. Hakkı Cad. Dut Sok. No.2 Izmit Kocaeli 

Tel.+90 262 321 47 47 

Fax.+90 262 331 44 22 

GSM.+90 530 544 9971  E-mail: satis@weshotel.com Website: www.weshotel.com



 Transportation will be provided by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Istanbul. The departure and arrival points and times in Istanbul will be announced two weeks before the mission.


 Please kindly note that the below sectors are identified as priority sectors for the region. However the regional trade mission to Kocaeli will not have a sectoral focus and will be a multi-sectoral mission.  

 * Automotive Supply 

* Metal and Machinery 

* Plastics and Rubber 

* Tire 

* Chemical (Automotive Paints and Coatings, Automotive Care Products)

* Electronics

* Construction & Construction Materials 

* Energy 

* Environment

* Information and Communication Technologies


Preliminary note


The information of the completed intake form will serve as tool to come to a good matchmaking program. Upon receipt of your intake form, the Consulate General will forward it to Abigem (EU-Turkey Business Development Center), the matchmakers in Kocaeli. If they need additional information you might be approached by the Commercial Department of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Istanbul (Mrs. Aafje Chr. Akdamar-Westeneng). Please return this intake form to ist-ha@minbuza.nl no later than 28 March 2014 


Please do fill in the questions below as completely as possible, in English.



1  Basics

 Name of company:


 Name of participant:


Name of contact person:





Business definition:

Year of establishment: Number of Employees:

 1.1   Sector of Dutch Company

  1.2   Products and services offered (please specify; kind of material, use, price indication )

  1.3   Type of customers/end users (if applicable, name existing Turkish customers/end users)

 1.4   Export experience in general

main export markets/countries:

*  main export products: * .

1.5   Financial status


*  of which exports: * 

1.6   Competition

Dutch competitors:

Foreign competitors (name and country): *  

 1.7   Unique selling points  Please describe in a few words which features make your company and products special. Why should a potential business partner want to buy from you (examples could include unique product features, design features, price, product approval, sustainability, etc)

  1.8   References  (Please list some of your largest customers or projects your answer may serve as reference or sample while making appointments on your behalf)

 2   Program related topics

 2.1   Previous business experience with Kocaeli 

□  No □    Yes, namely:

2.2   Main reasons for joining this trade mission to Kocaeli 

 2.3   Match making program appreciated in 

*    □

*  □

*  □

2.4   Type of commercial contacts wanted

 □ agent

 □  importer / distributor 

 □ wholesaler

 □ end user

□ supplier

□ manufacturer

□ outsourcing

□ other; please describe: 

 2.5   Profile of contacts wanted (commercial contacts or/and official contacts, like local authorities or ministries)

Please describe activities and field of operation of potential business partner. Do you have special

requirements regarding size, distribution network etc? 

 2.6   Specific contacts in Kocaeli

Are there any specific companies you would like to meet during this economic mission?

□  No □ Yes (please provide names and contact info)

  1 Name of Contact person


 Name of Company


 Phone / fax


 2 Name of Contact



Name of Company


Phone / fax


 2.7   Turkish contacts or companies NOT to be contacted for matchmaking

Do you have existing contacts in Turkey you don't want us to contact?

□  No □Yes (please mention all names)

1 Name of Contact person

 Name of Company

 2 Name of Contact person

 Name of Company

  Consulate General of the Netherlands

Istiklal Caddesi 197, 34433 Beyoglu Istanbul Turkey

Contact person at Commercial Department: Aafje Chr. Akdamar-Westeneng Tel.+90 212 393 21 04 (direct), 393 21 21 (general), fax.0212 292 50 31, e-mail: ist-ha@minbuza.nl

Follow us on: Websites: www.mfa.nl/ist; www.hollandturkeytrade.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/HollandaBaskonsolosluguIst